Predefined scales available in o_C
Octaval scales
- short name: SEMI
- number of notes: 12
- comments:
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 256, 384, 512, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1408
- short name: IONI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 640, 896, 1152, 1408
- short name: DORI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 300, 500, 700, 900, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 384, 640, 896, 1152, 1280
- short name: PHRY
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 300, 500, 700, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 384, 640, 896, 1024, 1280
- short name: LYDI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 600, 700, 900, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 768, 896, 1152, 1408
- short name: MIXO
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 500, 700, 900, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 640, 896, 1152, 1280
- short name: AEOL
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 300, 500, 700, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 384, 640, 896, 1024, 1280
- short name: LOCR
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 300, 500, 600, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 384, 640, 768, 1024, 1280
Blues major
- short name: BLU+
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 300, 400, 700, 900, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 384, 512, 896, 1152, 1280
Blues minor
- short name: BLU-
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 300, 500, 600, 700, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 384, 640, 768, 896, 1280
Pentatonic maj
- short name: PEN+
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 700, 900
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 896, 1152
Pentatonic min
- short name: PEN-
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 300, 500, 700, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 384, 640, 896, 1280
- short name: FOLK
- number of notes: 8
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 300, 400, 500, 700, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 384, 512, 640, 896, 1024, 1280
- short name: JAPA
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 500, 700, 800
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 640, 896, 1024
- short name: GAME
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 300, 700, 800
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 384, 896, 1024
- short name: GYPS
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 300, 600, 700, 800, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 384, 768, 896, 1024, 1408
- short name: ARAB
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 400, 500, 700, 800, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 512, 640, 896, 1024, 1408
- short name: FLAM
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 400, 500, 700, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 512, 640, 896, 1024, 1280
Whole tone
- short name: WHOL
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from midipal/Bees-in-the-Trees source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280
- short name: PYTH
- number of notes: 12
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 203.9, 293.8, 407.8, 497.7, 611.7, 702.3, 792.2, 906.2, 996.1, 1110.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 261, 376, 522, 637, 783, 899, 1014, 1160, 1275, 1421
- short name: EB/4
- number of notes: 12
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 200, 300, 350, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1050
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 256, 384, 448, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1344
E /4
- short name: E /4
- number of notes: 12
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 200, 300, 350, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 256, 384, 448, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1408
- short name: EA/4
- number of notes: 12
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 100, 200, 300, 350, 500, 600, 700, 800, 850, 1000, 1100
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 128, 256, 384, 448, 640, 768, 896, 1024, 1088, 1280, 1408
- short name: BHAI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 792.2, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 494, 637, 899, 1014, 1393
- short name: MARW
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 111.7, 385.9, 589.8, 884.4, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 143, 494, 755, 1132, 1393
- short name: YAMA
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 407.8, 611.7, 702.3, 906.2, 1110.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 522, 783, 899, 1160, 1421
- short name: KAFI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 182, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 884.4, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 233, 376, 637, 899, 1132, 1275
- short name: BHIM
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 315.6, 497.7, 702.3, 906.2, 1018
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 404, 637, 899, 1160, 1303
- short name: BAIR
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 497.7, 702.3, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 637, 899, 1275
- short name: VALL
- number of notes: 12
- comments: Tartini-Vallotti, from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 93.8, 196.1, 297.7, 392.2, 502.3, 592.2, 697.7, 796.1, 893.8, 1000, 1089.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 120, 251, 381, 502, 643, 758, 893, 1019, 1144, 1280, 1395
- short name: 1322
- number of notes: 13
- comments: 13 out of 22-tET, generator = 5, from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 109.4, 218, 327.3, 382, 490.6, 600, 654.7, 763.3, 872.7, 927.3, 1036.7, 1145.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 140, 279, 419, 489, 628, 768, 838, 977, 1117, 1187, 1327, 1466
- short name: MANF
- number of notes: 13
- comments: 13 out of 19-tET Mandelbaum, from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 126.6, 189.8, 315.6, 378.9, 505.5, 568.8, 694.5, 757.8, 884.4, 947.7, 1073.4, 1136.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 162, 243, 404, 485, 647, 728, 889, 970, 1132, 1213, 1374, 1455
- short name: MAGC
- number of notes: 16
- comments: Magic[16] in 145-tET, from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 149.2, 207, 264.8, 322.7, 380.5, 438.3, 587.5, 645.3, 703.1, 761.7, 819.5, 968, 1026.6, 1084.4, 1142.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 191, 265, 339, 413, 487, 561, 752, 826, 900, 975, 1049, 1239, 1314, 1388, 1462
- short name: QUAR
- number of notes: 16
- comments: g=9 steps of 139-tET, Gene Ward Smith “Quartaminorthirds” 7-limit temperament [16], from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 77.3, 155.5, 232.8, 310.9, 388.3, 466.4, 543.8, 621.9, 699.2, 777.3, 854.7, 932, 1010.2, 1087.5, 1165.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 99, 199, 298, 398, 497, 597, 696, 796, 895, 995, 1094, 1193, 1293, 1392, 1492
Armodue semi-eq
- short name: ARMO
- number of notes: 16
- comments: Armodue semi-equalizzato [16], from the Huygens-Fokker Scala scale archive
- notes (in cents): 0, 77.3, 154.7, 232, 309.4, 386.7, 464.8, 542.2, 619.5, 696.9, 774.2, 851.6, 928.9, 968, 1045.3, 1122.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 99, 198, 297, 396, 495, 595, 694, 793, 892, 991, 1090, 1189, 1239, 1338, 1437
- short name: HIRA
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Sevish World Scales Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 185.2, 336.7, 682.8, 789.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 237, 431, 874, 1011
Scot bagpipes
- short name: SCOT
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Sevish World Scales Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 196.9, 340.6, 495.3, 703.1, 853.1, 1009.4
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 252, 436, 634, 900, 1092, 1292
Thai ranat
- short name: THAI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Sevish World Scales Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 160.9, 346.1, 525.8, 685.9, 861.7, 1028.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 206, 443, 673, 878, 1103, 1317
- short name: SEVI
- number of notes: 12
- comments: Sevish quasi-12-equal mode from 31-EDO, see
- notes (in cents): 0, 116.4, 232, 309.4, 425.8, 503.1, 619.5, 735.2, 813.3, 928.9, 1006.2, 1122.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 149, 297, 396, 545, 644, 793, 941, 1041, 1189, 1288, 1437
- short name: MACH
- number of notes: 6
- comments: 11-tET Machine[6],from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 218, 436.7, 545.3, 763.3, 982
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 279, 559, 698, 977, 1257
- short name: FATH
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 13-tET Father[8], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 184.4, 369.5, 461.7, 646.1, 830.5, 923.4, 1107.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 236, 473, 591, 827, 1063, 1182, 1418
- short name: BLAC
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 15-tET Blackwood[10], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 160.2, 239.8, 400, 479.7, 639.8, 720.3, 879.7, 960.2, 1120.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 205, 307, 512, 614, 819, 922, 1126, 1229, 1434
- short name: MAV7
- number of notes: 7
- comments: 16-tET Mavila[7], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 150, 300, 525, 675, 825, 975
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 192, 384, 672, 864, 1056, 1248
- short name: MAV9
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 16-tET Mavila[9], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 75, 225, 375, 525, 600, 750, 900, 1050
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 96, 288, 480, 672, 768, 960, 1152, 1344
- short name: SPYT
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 17-tET Superpyth[12], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 70.3, 141.4, 282, 353.1, 493.8, 564.8, 635.2, 776.6, 846.9, 988.3, 1058.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 90, 181, 361, 452, 632, 723, 813, 994, 1084, 1265, 1355
- short name: 22OR
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 22-tET Orwell[9], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 109.4, 272.7, 382, 545.3, 654.7, 818, 927.3, 1090.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 140, 349, 489, 698, 838, 1047, 1187, 1396
- short name: PAJS
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 22-tET Pajara[10] Static Symmetrical Major, from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 109.4, 218, 382, 490.6, 600, 709.4, 818, 982, 1090.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 140, 279, 489, 628, 768, 908, 1047, 1257, 1396
- short name: PAJP
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 22-tET Pajara[10] Standard Pentachordal Major, from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 109.4, 218, 382, 490.6, 600, 709.4, 872.7, 982, 1090.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 140, 279, 489, 628, 768, 908, 1117, 1257, 1396
- short name: PORC
- number of notes: 7
- comments: 22-tET Porcupine[7], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 163.3, 327.3, 490.6, 709.4, 872.7, 1036.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 209, 419, 628, 908, 1117, 1327
- short name: FLAT
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 26-tET Flattone[12], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 46.1, 184.4, 230.5, 369.5, 507.8, 553.9, 692.2, 738.3, 876.6, 923.4, 1061.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 59, 236, 295, 473, 650, 709, 886, 945, 1122, 1182, 1359
- short name: LEMB
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 26-tET Lemba[10], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 138.3, 230.5, 369.5, 461.7, 600, 738.3, 830.5, 969.5, 1061.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 177, 295, 473, 591, 768, 945, 1063, 1241, 1359
- short name: SENS
- number of notes: 11
- comments: 46-tET Sensi[11], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 130.5, 260.9, 391.4, 443.8, 574.2, 704.7, 835.2, 886.7, 1017.2, 1147.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 167, 334, 501, 568, 735, 902, 1069, 1135, 1302, 1469
- short name: 53OR
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 53-tET Orwell[9], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 113.3, 271.9, 385.2, 543.8, 656.2, 814.8, 928.1, 1086.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 145, 348, 493, 696, 840, 1043, 1188, 1391
- short name: 1272
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 12 out of 72-tET scale by Prent Rodgers, from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 266.4, 383.6, 433.6, 500, 550, 700, 883.6, 966.4, 1050, 1083.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 341, 491, 555, 640, 704, 896, 1131, 1237, 1344, 1387
- short name: TRIZ
- number of notes: 7
- comments: Trivalent scale in zeus temperament[7], thirds are all {7/6, 6/5, 5/4}, 99-tET tuning, from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 157.8, 387.5, 545.3, 703.1, 933.6, 1090.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 202, 496, 698, 900, 1195, 1396
- short name: 2028
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 202-tET tempering of octone[8], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 118.8, 350.8, 385.9, 618, 700.8, 932.8, 968
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 152, 449, 494, 791, 897, 1194, 1239
- short name: MADG
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 313-tET elfmadagasgar[9], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.1, 249.2, 452.3, 498.4, 701.6, 747.7, 950.8, 996.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 260, 319, 579, 638, 898, 957, 1217, 1276
- short name: MARV
- number of notes: 12
- comments: Marvel woo version of glumma[12], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 49.2, 232.8, 317.2, 383.6, 549.2, 616.4, 700.8, 883.6, 932.8, 968, 1165.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 63, 298, 406, 491, 703, 789, 897, 1131, 1194, 1239, 1492
TOP Parapyth12
- short name: PARA
- number of notes: 12
- comments: TOP Parapyth[12], from Sevish Regular Temperaments Pack
- notes (in cents): 0, 58.6, 207, 265.6, 414.1, 472.7, 554.7, 703.9, 761.7, 910.9, 968.8, 1118
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 75, 265, 340, 530, 605, 710, 901, 975, 1166, 1240, 1431
16-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 16ED
- number of notes: 16
- comments: 16-ED (ED2 or ED3) (16 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450, 525, 600, 675, 750, 825, 900, 975, 1050, 1125
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 96, 192, 288, 384, 480, 576, 672, 768, 864, 960, 1056, 1152, 1248, 1344, 1440
15-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 15ED
- number of notes: 15
- comments: 15-ED (ED2 or ED3) (15 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 79.7, 160.2, 239.8, 320.3, 400, 479.7, 560.2, 639.8, 720.3, 800, 879.7, 960.2, 1039.8, 1120.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 102, 205, 307, 410, 512, 614, 717, 819, 922, 1024, 1126, 1229, 1331, 1434
14-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 14ED
- number of notes: 14
- comments: 14-ED (ED2 or ED3) (14 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 85.9, 171.1, 257, 343, 428.9, 514.1, 600, 685.9, 771.1, 857, 943, 1028.9, 1114.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 110, 219, 329, 439, 549, 658, 768, 878, 987, 1097, 1207, 1317, 1426
13-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 13ED
- number of notes: 13
- comments: 13-ED (ED2 or ED3) (13 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 92.2, 184.4, 276.6, 369.5, 461.7, 553.9, 646.1, 738.3, 830.5, 923.4, 1015.6, 1107.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 118, 236, 354, 473, 591, 709, 827, 945, 1063, 1182, 1300, 1418
11-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 11ED
- number of notes: 11
- comments: 11-ED (ED2 or ED3) (11 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 109.4, 218, 327.3, 436.7, 545.3, 654.7, 763.3, 872.7, 982, 1090.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 140, 279, 419, 559, 698, 838, 977, 1117, 1257, 1396
10-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 10ED
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 10-ED (ED2 or ED3) (10 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 120.3, 239.8, 360.2, 479.7, 600, 720.3, 839.8, 960.2, 1079.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 154, 307, 461, 614, 768, 922, 1075, 1229, 1382
9-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 9ED
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 9-ED (ED2 or ED3) (9 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 133.6, 266.4, 400, 533.6, 666.4, 800, 933.6, 1066.4
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 171, 341, 512, 683, 853, 1024, 1195, 1365
8-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 8ED
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 8-ED (ED2 or ED3) (8 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900, 1050
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 192, 384, 576, 768, 960, 1152, 1344
7-ED (2 or 3)
- short name: 7ED
- number of notes: 7
- comments: 7-ED (ED2 or ED3) (7 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 171.1, 343, 514.1, 685.9, 857, 1028.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 219, 439, 658, 878, 1097, 1317
- short name: 6ED
- number of notes: 6
- comments: 6-ED (ED2 or ED3) (6 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280
- short name: 5ED
- number of notes: 5
- comments: 5-ED (ED2 or ED3) (5 step equally tempered scale on the octave or the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 239.8, 479.7, 720.3, 960.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 307, 614, 922, 1229
- short name: 16H2
- number of notes: 16
- comments: 16-HD2 (16 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 104.7, 203.9, 297.7, 385.9, 471.1, 551.6, 628.1, 702.3, 772.7, 840.6, 906.2, 968.8, 1029.7, 1088.3, 1145.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 134, 261, 381, 494, 603, 706, 804, 899, 989, 1076, 1160, 1240, 1318, 1393, 1466
- short name: 15H2
- number of notes: 15
- comments: 15-HD2 (15 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 111.7, 216.4, 315.6, 409.4, 497.7, 582.8, 663.3, 739.8, 814.1, 884.4, 952.3, 1018, 1080.5, 1141.4
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 143, 277, 404, 524, 637, 746, 849, 947, 1042, 1132, 1219, 1303, 1383, 1461
- short name: 14H2
- number of notes: 14
- comments: 14-HD2 (14 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 119.5, 231.2, 335.9, 435.2, 528.9, 617.2, 702.3, 782.8, 859.4, 932.8, 1003.9, 1071.9, 1136.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 153, 296, 430, 557, 677, 790, 899, 1002, 1100, 1194, 1285, 1372, 1455
- short name: 13H2
- number of notes: 13
- comments: 13-HD2 (13 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 128.1, 247.7, 359.4, 464.1, 563.3, 657, 746.1, 830.5, 910.9, 987.5, 1061.7, 1132
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 164, 317, 460, 594, 721, 841, 955, 1063, 1166, 1264, 1359, 1449
- short name: 12H2
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 12-HD2 (12 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 138.3, 267.2, 385.9, 497.7, 603.1, 702.3, 795.3, 884.4, 968.8, 1049.2, 1126.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 177, 342, 494, 637, 772, 899, 1018, 1132, 1240, 1343, 1442
- short name: 11H2
- number of notes: 11
- comments: 11-HD2 (11 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 150.8, 289.1, 417.2, 536.7, 648.4, 753.9, 852.3, 946.1, 1035.2, 1119.5
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 193, 370, 534, 687, 830, 965, 1091, 1211, 1325, 1433
- short name: 10H2
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 10-HD2 (10 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 164.8, 315.6, 453.9, 582.8, 702.3, 814.1, 918.8, 1018, 1110.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 211, 404, 581, 746, 899, 1042, 1176, 1303, 1422
- short name: 9H2
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 9-HD2 (9 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 182, 347.7, 497.7, 636.7, 764.8, 884.4, 996.1, 1100.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 233, 445, 637, 815, 979, 1132, 1275, 1409
- short name: 8H2
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 8-HD2 (8 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 385.9, 551.6, 702.3, 840.6, 968.8, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 494, 706, 899, 1076, 1240, 1393
- short name: 7H2
- number of notes: 7
- comments: 7-HD2 (7 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 231.2, 435.2, 617.2, 782.8, 932.8, 1071.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 296, 557, 790, 1002, 1194, 1372
- short name: 6H2
- number of notes: 6
- comments: 6-HD2 (6 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 267.2, 497.7, 702.3, 884.4, 1049.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 342, 637, 899, 1132, 1343
- short name: 5H2
- number of notes: 5
- comments: 5-HD2 (5 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 315.6, 582.8, 814.1, 1018
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 404, 746, 1042, 1303
- short name: 4H2
- number of notes: 4
- comments: 4-HD2 (4 step harmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 385.9, 702.3, 968.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 494, 899, 1240
- short name: 16S2
- number of notes: 16
- comments: 32-16-SD2 (16 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 54.7, 111.7, 170.3, 231.2, 293.8, 359.4, 427.3, 497.7, 571.9, 648.4, 728.9, 814.1, 902.3, 996.1, 1095.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 70, 143, 218, 296, 376, 460, 547, 637, 732, 830, 933, 1042, 1155, 1275, 1402
- short name: 15S2
- number of notes: 15
- comments: 30-15-SD2 (15 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 58.6, 119.5, 182, 247.7, 315.6, 385.9, 460.2, 536.7, 617.2, 702.3, 790.6, 884.4, 983.6, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 75, 153, 233, 317, 404, 494, 589, 687, 790, 899, 1012, 1132, 1259, 1393
- short name: 14S2
- number of notes: 14
- comments: 28-14-SD2 (14 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 63.3, 128.1, 196.1, 267.2, 340.6, 417.2, 497.7, 582.8, 671.1, 764.8, 864.1, 968.8, 1080.5, 1200
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 81, 164, 251, 342, 436, 534, 637, 746, 859, 979, 1106, 1240, 1383, 1536
- short name: 13S2
- number of notes: 13
- comments: 26-13-SD2 (13 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 68, 138.3, 212.5, 289.1, 369.5, 453.9, 543, 636.7, 735.9, 840.6, 952.3, 1071.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 87, 177, 272, 370, 473, 581, 695, 815, 942, 1076, 1219, 1372
- short name: 12S2
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 24-12-SD2 (12 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 73.4, 150.8, 231.2, 315.6, 404.7, 497.7, 596.9, 702.3, 814.1, 932.8, 1061.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 94, 193, 296, 404, 518, 637, 764, 899, 1042, 1194, 1359
- short name: 11S2
- number of notes: 11
- comments: 22-11-SD2 (11 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 80.5, 164.8, 253.9, 347.7, 446.1, 551.6, 663.3, 782.8, 910.9, 1049.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 103, 211, 325, 445, 571, 706, 849, 1002, 1166, 1343
- short name: 10S2
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 20-10-SD2 (10 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.1, 182, 281.2, 385.9, 497.7, 617.2, 746.1, 884.4, 1035.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 114, 233, 360, 494, 637, 790, 955, 1132, 1325
- short name: 9S2
- number of notes: 9
- comments: 18-9-SD2 (9 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 99.2, 203.9, 315.6, 435.2, 563.3, 702.3, 852.3, 1018
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 127, 261, 404, 557, 721, 899, 1091, 1303
- short name: 8S2
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 16-8-SD2 (8 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 111.7, 231.2, 359.4, 497.7, 648.4, 814.1, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 143, 296, 460, 637, 830, 1042, 1275
- short name: 7S2
- number of notes: 7
- comments: 14-7-SD2 (7 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 128.1, 267.2, 417.2, 582.8, 764.8, 968.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 164, 342, 534, 746, 979, 1240
- short name: 6S2
- number of notes: 6
- comments: 12-6-SD2 (6 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 150.8, 315.6, 497.7, 702.3, 932.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 193, 404, 637, 899, 1194
- short name: 5S2
- number of notes: 5
- comments: 10-5-SD2 (5 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 182, 385.9, 617.2, 884.4
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 233, 494, 790, 1132
- short name: 4S2
- number of notes: 4
- comments: 8-4-SD2 (4 step subharmonic series scale on the octave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 231.2, 497.7, 814.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 296, 637, 1042
Tritaval scales
Bohlen-Pierce =
- short name: B-Pe
- number of notes: 13
- comments: Bohlen-Pierce (equal temperament), see and–Pierce_scale
- notes (in cents): 0, 92.2, 184.4, 276.6, 369.5, 461.7, 553.9, 646.1, 738.3, 830.5, 923.4, 1015.6, 1107.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 118, 236, 354, 473, 591, 709, 827, 945, 1063, 1182, 1300, 1418
Bohlen-Pierce j
- short name: B-Pj
- number of notes: 13
- comments: Bohlen-Pierce (just temperament) - see and–Pierce_scale
- notes (in cents): 0, 84.4, 190.6, 274.2, 367.2, 464.8, 557.8, 642.2, 735.2, 832.8, 925.8, 1009.4, 1115.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 108, 244, 351, 470, 595, 714, 822, 941, 1066, 1185, 1292, 1428
Bohlen-Pierce l
- short name: B-Pl
- number of notes: 9
- comments: Bohlen-Pierce (lambda), see–Pierce_scale
- notes (in cents): 0, 190.6, 274.2, 367.2, 557.8, 642.2, 832.8, 925.8, 1115.6
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 244, 351, 470, 714, 822, 1066, 1185, 1428
Retired scales
The following scales were removed in v1.3.3 to make more space for some additional programme code. Their definitions are still present in the source code, just commeneted out.
- short name: GUNA
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 111.7, 497.7, 702.3, 814.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 143, 637, 899, 1042
Shree [Camel]
- short name: SHRI
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 385.9, 589.8, 702.3, 792.2, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 494, 755, 899, 1014, 1393
- short name: PURV
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 111.7, 385.9, 589.8, 702.3, 814.1, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 143, 494, 755, 899, 1042, 1393
- short name: BILA
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 906.2, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 494, 637, 899, 1160, 1393
- short name: DARB
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 792.2, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 376, 637, 899, 1014, 1275
- short name: RAGE
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 884.4, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 494, 637, 899, 1132, 1275
- short name: KHAM
- number of notes: 8
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 906.2, 996.1, 1110.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 494, 637, 899, 1160, 1275, 1421
- short name: MIMA
- number of notes: 8
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 884.4, 996.1, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 376, 637, 899, 1132, 1275, 1393
- short name: PARA
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 293.8, 497.7, 884.4, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 376, 637, 1132, 1275
- short name: RANG
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 376, 637, 899, 1393
- short name: GANG
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 792.2, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 494, 637, 899, 1014, 1275
- short name: KAME
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 589.8, 702.3, 884.4, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 755, 899, 1132, 1275
Pa Khafi
- short name: PAKA
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 906.2, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 376, 637, 899, 1160, 1275
- short name: NATB
- number of notes: 7
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 385.9, 497.7, 702.3, 792.2, 1088.3
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 494, 637, 899, 1014, 1393
- short name: KAUN
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 203.9, 407.8, 497.7, 792.2, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 261, 522, 637, 1014, 1275
B Todi
- short name: BTOD
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 89.8, 293.8, 702.3, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 115, 376, 899, 1275
- short name: CHAN
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 293.8, 497.7, 702.3, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 376, 637, 899, 1275
Kaushik Todi
- short name: KTOD
- number of notes: 5
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 293.8, 497.7, 589.8, 792.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 376, 637, 755, 1014
- short name: JOGE
- number of notes: 6
- comments: from Mutable Instruments Yarns source code
- notes (in cents): 0, 293.8, 385.9, 497.7, 884.4, 996.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 376, 494, 637, 1132, 1275
- short name: 16H3
- number of notes: 16
- comments: 8-24-HD3 (16 step harmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 128.9, 243.8, 347.7, 443, 530.5, 610.9, 686.7, 757, 823.4, 885.9, 944.5, 1000.8, 1053.9, 1104.7, 1153.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 165, 312, 445, 567, 679, 782, 879, 969, 1054, 1134, 1209, 1281, 1349, 1414, 1476
- short name: 14H3
- number of notes: 14
- comments: 7-21-HD3 (14 step harmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 146.1, 274.2, 389.8, 493.8, 589.1, 675.8, 757, 832.8, 903.1, 969.5, 1031.2, 1090.6, 1146.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 187, 351, 499, 632, 754, 865, 969, 1066, 1156, 1241, 1320, 1396, 1468
- short name: 12H3
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 6-18-HD3 (12 step harmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 168.8, 314.1, 443, 557.8, 661.7, 757, 844.5, 925.8, 1000.8, 1071.1, 1137.5
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 216, 402, 567, 714, 847, 969, 1081, 1185, 1281, 1371, 1456
- short name: 10H3
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 5-15-HD3 (10 step harmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 199.2, 367.2, 513.3, 642.2, 757, 860.9, 956.2, 1043.8, 1125
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 255, 470, 657, 822, 969, 1102, 1224, 1336, 1440
- short name: 8H3
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 4-12-HD3 (8 step harmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 243.8, 443, 610.9, 757, 885.9, 1000.8, 1104.7
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 312, 567, 782, 969, 1134, 1281, 1414
- short name: 16S3
- number of notes: 16
- comments: 24-8-HD3 (16 step subharmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 46.9, 95.3, 146.1, 199.2, 255.5, 314.1, 376.6, 443, 513.3, 589.1, 669.5, 757, 852.3, 956.2, 1071.1
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 60, 122, 187, 255, 327, 402, 482, 567, 657, 754, 857, 969, 1091, 1224, 1371
- short name: 14S3
- number of notes: 14
- comments: 21-7-HD3 (14 step subharmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 53.1, 109.4, 168.8, 230.5, 296.9, 367.2, 443, 524.2, 610.9, 706.2, 810.2, 925.8, 1053.9
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 68, 140, 216, 295, 380, 470, 567, 671, 782, 904, 1037, 1185, 1349
- short name: 12S3
- number of notes: 12
- comments: 18-6-HD3 (12 step subharmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 62.5, 128.9, 199.2, 274.2, 355.5, 443, 538.3, 642.2, 757, 885.9, 1031.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 80, 165, 255, 351, 455, 567, 689, 822, 969, 1134, 1320
- short name: 10S3
- number of notes: 10
- comments: 15-5-HD3 (10 step subharmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 75, 156.2, 243.8, 339.1, 443, 557.8, 686.7, 832.8, 1000.8
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 96, 200, 312, 434, 567, 714, 879, 1066, 1281
- short name: 8S3
- number of notes: 8
- comments: 12-4-HD3 (8 step subharmonic series scale on the tritave), from Xen-Arts VSTi microtuning library
- notes (in cents): 0, 95.3, 199.2, 314.1, 443, 589.1, 757, 956.2
- notes (in o_C DAC values): 0, 122, 255, 402, 567, 754, 969, 1224