This page lists vague thoughts about possible future enhancements for each app, as well as even fuzzier ideas for potential new apps. It is not a list of promised enhancements, just a aide memoire of things that might be done, if time and energy permits (or that could be taken on as projects by others).


  • the current ability to loop through the ring buffer of pitches encountered is half way to providing a more general “CV recorder” function — thus, either extend this app, or provide a seperate app, which can act as a general-purpose CV recorder, either with CV and gate recording on two channels, or just clocked CV recording on 4 channels. (done in v1.3)
  • at a minimum, make ‘hold’ (ie buffer length) a setting/parameter (is fixed length now) (done in v1.3).

Harrington 1200

  • provide an option which outputs the sum, or other linear combinations, of the pitch CVs for the current triad, on output A, instead of the pitch CV for the root note. No idea if that would be musically useful or not, but it can’t hurt to try.
  • portamento for chord transitions, which may or may not be useful for chords (it is not traditional)
  • add arp and strum output modes as in Automatonnetz


  • provide an optional setting which skips null transformation cells. That way, arbitrary subsets of the 5x5 grid can easily be specified eg 4x4, by making all the 5th row and 5th column cell null transformations.
  • provide an option which outputs the sum, or other linear combinations, of the pitch CVs for the current triad, on output A, instead of the pitch CV for the root note. No idea if that would be musically useful or not, but it can’t hurt to try.
  • work out to what use the CV2 and CV3 inputs might be put - possibly to provide CV control over matrix traversal, with the numver of steps left or right or up or down quantised from the two Cv inputs. Maybe still need to be clocked?
  • provide a mode (or a separate app) that permits 4 independent grids of specific note values to be defined (one of each output channel), so that the apps can act as a vector sequencer outputting 4 distinct “melodies”.


  • portamento! Possibly with settable speeds in either direction, and a choice of curves and easing (spring physics portamento, perhaps?)
  • user-adjustable hysteresis parameters to fine-tune latency vs jitter for various scenarios and use-cases
  • add a method for constraining new note choices in the Turing Machine to musically “safe” notes e.g. thirds and fifths from the current note, which may be what the Noise Engineering Mimetic Sequent module does, as per this description which appeared on MW: “2p is 2V (2octaves), 5p is 5V and 5c might be -5 to +5. The ‘p’ modes will select new random values which are melodically related to the overall loop. The knob limits the selections from “safe” notes (fifths and octaves) to totally random.”
  • add missing CV aux / parameter modulation options when using the internal sources, including CV control over transposition (done in v1.2)


  • include all the “internal CV” sources present in Quantermain (LFSR aka Turing machine is already there)
  • offer Piqued-style envelopes on outputs B and D, as an alternative to just gate/trigger outs on those channels
  • re-purpose sample-inputs when cv source isn’t default.
  • portamento setting (cntP, perhaps?).


  • provide a cumulative internal channel mixing function, similar to the QUAD mode for the alternative firmware for the XAOC Batumi module. Possibly provide mappable voltage control over the mixing levels for each channel.
  • add a tap tempo facility, using the tap tempo synchronisation algorithm from the Mutable Instruments Peaks module (done in v1.3)
  • add 1V/octave pitch tracking (unlikely…)
  • n0rd: “not sure if possible but when Tap Tempo is ON could “Left encoder (press)” become “Reset phase (all LFOs)” as per TR1?”


  • have another attempt at implementing second-order harmonographs using Teensy-optimised trig functions
  • if the Teensy optimised trig functions are fast enough, several other chaotic attractors which require trig functions may also be feasible.


  • add the ability to have the trigger delay take random values (with a settable range), so that there is varying “swing” — both uniform probability distribution within a range, and a Gaussian distribution of delay times around a mean.
  • add more envelope types with more segments (the Peaks envelope model is quite general and allows for an arbitrary number of segments per envelope). (some more looping types were added in v1.3.1)
  • add more envelope segment shapes, including a flat envelope with gradually increasing wiggles, for tremolo or vibrato. May need a DC offset setting as well so it could be centred around zero — that would be useful for other envelopes too, perhaps.
  • add end-of-segment trigger outputs (done in v1.3 - at least, internal triggering of a channel by end-of-cycle (EOC) in another channel now enables permits this)
  • extend EOC cross-channel triggering to EOA (end-of-attack) cross-channel triggering
  • voltage-controlled envelope segment shape, perhaps? A bit clumsy, but might be interesting, and quite feasible. No change to UI needed, just a few more choices on the CV input mapping menu items.
  • add some of the features from the ADDAC505 Mille Plateaux module, in particular: sustain time (i.e. internally generated gate duration, and non-zero start and end amplitudes for each segment (also a great idea).
  • add the optional ability to sample the input CV used to set segment durations when a trigger is received, rather than respond to it continuous i.e. the same two options provided for overall envelope amplitude in v1.2.
  • add a clocked envelope duration mode like the clocked/PLL mode in Mutable Instruments Tides.
  • suggested by starthief on MW:
    • > I really want to be able to run envelopes on some channels and LFOs on others. The looping envelope types allow this and are really powerful, but not as easily controllable as an LFO. I have some ideas ideas that would help, in order of likely complexity: a “rate” parameter for all looping envelopes (or maybe all envelopes), assignable to CV and preferably editable from the same screen as the stage times/levels. This would just scale attack, decay and release times equally; a few simple LFO shapes (sine, tri, saw, square etc.) as 1-stage looping envelope shapes, with frequency rather than duration as their parameter; a single LFO “shape” as a 1-stage looping envelope with frequency, but also a shape parameter that selects from the Quadraturia wavetable.
  • (done in v1.3.1, which adds an ADR target for CV input, which allows simultaneous CV control of attack, decay and release duration from one CV input. When looping envelope types are used, this effectively allow each channel to run as an LFO. Classic waveshapes, including sine, triangle, sawtooth, ramp and square are all acheivable with combinations of the attack and decay segment shapes in ADL2 looping mode – as well as many non-classic variations, of course.)
  • (per Scott King): “I was wondering if it would be possible/feasible in places where it makes sense to be able to adjust all four channels simultaneously? Specifically I’m thinking about the ADSR’s in Piqued mode. I plan on using o_C the most with my E370 Quad VCO so I’m envisioning doing things in a four channel polyphonic frame of mind. It would be awesome to be able to adjust all four ADSR’s simultaneously rather than having to attend to each one individually and getting them all match up as well.”


  • improve sequence editor UI (ie don’t display raw DAC code); make screensaver nice(r) (done in v1.3).
  • add envelope outputs (similar to the envelopes in Piqued) instead of gate outputs on outputs B and D. Gates outputs on those channels would then just be a special case of the envelope outputs, using the gate segment shapes as already implemented in Piqued.
  • misterphoneman on MW suggests: “I think it would be cool if there was a way that each individual sequence could have it’s own mult/div parameter instead of how clock multiplying and dividing affects all four sequences simultaneously. For example Seq#1 might be null, then Seq#2 could be set to multiply x2 and Seq#3 could be x4 and so forth.”

Dialectic Ping Pong

  • suggested by starthief on MW:
  • “options to output different characteristics of the ball: height (what it does now), velocity or acceleration. This essentially gives a sawtooth or a trigger pulse synchronized with the bounces, which should be musically useful.”
  • “it’s a violation of physics, but a way to skew the symmetry of the rise vs. fall times might also be musically useful.”

Viznutcracker, sweet!

  • add more byte beat equations (16 more added in v1.1!)
  • investigate whether smoothing of the byte beat value stream is useful when they are used a modulation sources
  • investigate whether digital filtering of the byte beat audio stream is feasible, or useful


  • save References settings, like the other app (implemented in v1.3)
  • lots of things! The current References app is really just a placeholder. Some possibilities:
    • frequency meter/tuner (done in v1.3).
    • simple approximate quad channel voltmeter which measures and displays voltage on each of the CV inputs (maybe to nearest 0.01V (nearest 10 mV).
    • option to trigger or ‘auto-play’ a given set of calibration-points (e.g., 0.000V, 1.000V, 2.000V, 0.000V, 1.000V, 2.000V, …).

Other ideas

  • extend tonnetz to support other chord modes (augmented, diminished) and maybe more transforms?
  • CV control of dx/dy and other parameters in Automatonnetz
  • a quad free-running LFO app, possibly implementing some of the features of the Modcan Quad LFO module.
  • port some of the clock and gate/trigger logic capabilities of the temps utile module to o_C.
  • (per loopt on MW): “For the piqued app you could implement an additional 281-mode with two AD envelopes and two of the CV outputs spitting out gates (EOR of AD1 and EOD of AD2)…Any plans of implementing more env stages with loops? (both these ideas implemented in v1.3)
  • (this could be generalised as: add a new envelope type to Piqued with 5 segments each with settable target levels and conditional branching to other segments - in other words, a sort of Rossum Control Forge Lite.)
  • the ideas behind XronoMorph might make for an interesting generative rhythm/melody sequencer? See here
  • introduce some L-systems as additional sources for CopierMaschine and Quantermain (and Meta-Q)
  • add a generic internal (digital) attenuation and offset facility for input CVs, or similar facilities for specific input CV destinations.
  • add arp and strum output modes as in Automatonnetz to Acid Curds chord sequencer
  • add an app like the Tombola app in the Teenage Engineering OP-1 (see )
  • n0rd: “a way to reset a app would be nice too. Maybe pressing up or down button in apps selection page could reset currently selected app to default/saved settings.”